Things I have Done - London Marathon

33 weeks to go

by | Sep 1, 2013 | Marathon | 0 comments

The countdown has begun.

This is a good opportunity to finally sort out my website and start a blog to chart my trials and tribulations as I work towards this my goal next April. First thing I needed on my blog was a countdown, thanks to WordPress there is now one at the top of this blog. Obviously designed by a fan of Star Wars, the countdown plugin has styles such as C3PO and X-fighter. So in it’s now Carbonite form, it proudly showed me that there was 33 weeks to go. That’s ages away, isn’t it?

I don’t like running.

In fact I have never liked running, despite running (jogging) for years now it just doesn’t do it for me. It could be because it is a lonely and boring past time, or maybe the fact that both the places I have lived in over the last 20 years have been at the top of hill, so the last part of any run was never enjoyable. I think I did always see it as a supplement to volleyball for keeping fit.


This isn’t what you think it is about. A lot of things change as you get older and one for me is an uncontrollable runny nose when I’m pounding the streets. As I do a lot of my running around quiet lanes near Chiswell Green, then it is easy to expell my nasal secretions with all the grace of a Sunday League footballer without offending anyone. However, when it comes to the big day I don’t envisage  being weighed down in tissues or blocking my nostrils with small suppositories or the like. Alternatively, I don’t really want to express my nose in the busy streets, leaving young children in their pushchairs covered in snot. So, anyone with any suggestion on how I get around this, please drop me a line.

Distance run this week: 8.86 miles

33 weeks to go

by | Sep 1, 2013 | Marathon | 0 comments